Thursday, August 22, 2013

Making Report Views in Ruby on Rails Pt. 2

Following up, once I have access to my views, I simply need to group and loop over my results and put them in a nice table. So, in my app/views/admin/reports/gme_by_opening_html.erb lets get started:

<h1>GME Department Coverage by Site Openings</h1>
<p><%= @results_count %> records returned.</p>

<% @results.group_by(&:dept_code).each do |dept_code,providers| %>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
    <th>Shift Hours</th>
    <td colspan="4"><h4><%= dept_code %></h4></td>
  <% providers.group_by(&:full_name).each do |full_name, info| %>
      <td colspan="4"><b><%= full_name %></b></td>
    <% info.each do |r| %>
      <td><%= r.date_open.try(:strftime,'%-m/%-d/%Y') %></td>
      <td><%= r.hours %></td>
      <td><%= %></td>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

So, what we have here (building on the previous post) is a list of doctors, from different departments who work at sites on different days for specific shifts. The grouping in this report is by department, then by doctor's name and a list of the sites by date. The key here is to group_by(&:_field_).each and then break out a sub grouping. Not too bad. But, wouldn't it be nice to have a filter to cut the data by date or other result? Like if I wanted a quarterly report?

In app/controllers/admin/reports_controller.rb I'm going to have a default time frame and accept filters. Also I'm going to create a nice label based on the dates (I think I'm supposed to put the label construction in the view, but I like it here where I can see all the filters I'm making- like if I wanted to filter on department instead). This code comes from Stack Overflow.

  def gme_by_opening
    if params[:start_date] && params[:end_date]
      filter_start = params[:start_date]
      filter_end = params[:end_date]
      @results = ReportGmeByOpening.where(
        "date_open <= ? AND date_open >= ?", Date.parse(filter_end), Date.parse(filter_start)
          "dept_code", "full_name", "date_open"
      @results_label = "Records from " + filter_start + " to " + filter_end
      @results = ReportGmeByOpening.where(
        "date_open <= ? AND date_open >= ?",, 1.month.ago
          "dept_code", "full_name", "date_open"
      @results_label = "Records from " + 1.month.ago.try(:strftime,'%-m/%-d/%Y') + " to " +,'%-m/%-d/%Y')
    @results_count = @results.count

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html # gme_by_opening.html.erb

Then in my gme_by_opening.html.erb I change the header to:

<h1>GME Department Coverage by Site Openings</h1>
<div class="row">
<p class="span6"><%= @results_label %>, with <%= @results_count %> records returned.</p>
<div class="span6"><%= form_tag(admin_reports_gme_by_opening_path, {:class => 'form-inline'}) do %>
  <%= text_field_tag :start_date, nil, :class => 'input-small' %> to
  <%= text_field_tag :end_date, nil, :class => 'input-small' %>
  <%= submit_tag "Update Date Range Filter", :class => "btn" %>
<% end %></div>

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