So, with a nice looking form, and some decent JavaScript processing my form works very nicely. However, I need to make sure that the server receives good data even if the JavaScript was turned off or not in play. All that form niceness is to help the user, now it is time to help the server.
Currently, my thinking on this isn't very solid. I'm asking the server to do a lot of work to double check the form and then determining if it should pass on the information to be processed or if the form needs to be displayed again.
This is not too bad if the form is small and has a predetermined set of fields. However, many of these forms are dynamically generated, so the processing has to be dynamically processed as well. This is where I try to take advantage of frameworks and partials to keep my display code in modular chunks- breaking out the form from the rest of the page.
Basically, I try to cfparam all the form fields and then validate the results and report them with the form. So if JavaScript does its job on the original form, great. If not, it still is taken care of before it hits the server. Regardless of the amount of work the server or I have to do, it is probably for the best.
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